Téléchargez la règle pour Alone: Alpha Expansion ou toute autre documents (scénarios, goodies, fiche pédagogique, erratum, ...). 3 fichiers au format PDF sont disponibles.
pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/28/c3/c1-alone-hero-compendium-rulebook.pdf
This manual is to be read by the Hero player, after all players have read the Intro Rulebook. It will explain the game rules from the Hero player’s perspective, while also giving the information related to the Evil side of things that the Hero player also needs to know.
5,79 Mo - En Anglaispdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/f2/d6/a8-alone-intro-rulebook.pdf
Year 2417. After the discovery of the ORCS space-contraction technology, that enables ad-hoc space stations to compress the vast emptiness of space, acting as a sort of “star gate” that allows ships to travel over the span of light years in mere instants, humanity has been colonizing new planets for the last couple of centuries.
7,66 Mo - En Anglaispdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/a5/58/ef-alone-evil-compendium-rulebook.pdf
This manual is to be read by the Evil players, after all players have read the Intro Rulebook. It will explain the game rules from the Evil players’ perspective, while also giving them information related to the Hero’s side of things that also the Evil players need to know.
8,09 Mo - En Anglais