Anglais - Circadiens: Premières Lueurs a été financé sur la plateforme de Crowdfunding Kickstarter (Voir la campagne) le 29 janv. 2019, la campagne a duré 21 jours. 1 673 personnes ont aidé au financement du jeu, dont le montant demandé était de 12 000,00 $NZ. Grâce à ces 1 673 personnes le jeu a pu être financé à hauteur de 139 111,00 $NZ, soit ~1 159,26 %.
Français - We were light years from our home, galaxies away, when we first discovered this ancient celestial body — a planet filled with intriguing, intelligent lifeforms, not too unlike our own. Some built kingdoms below the surface of the green seas, while others controlled the desert-filled plains and cliffs. Among them we found scientists, inventors, farmers, traders and fighters.
Anglais - We were light years from our home, galaxies away, when we first discovered this ancient celestial body — a planet filled with intriguing, intelligent lifeforms, not too unlike our own. Some built kingdoms below the surface of the green seas, while others controlled the desert-filled plains and cliffs. Among them we found scientists, inventors, farmers, traders and fighters. While our presence has...