Français - C'est un grand festin dans le royaume magique de Gloutama ! Vous incarnez un halfelin toujours affamé qui se rend au marché pour rassembler toutes sortes d'ingrédients merveilleux provenant d'elfes, de nains, de lutins, de trolls, d'orques et de sorciers. Suite à cela, vous pourrez cuisiner des plats qui feront que toutes les créatures du royaume se lècheront les doigts.
Anglais - In each of four rounds in Festo!, players try to gather as many ingredients as they can by placing their servants by the different races in the game — but each round consists of two phases in which the players roll three dice that determine whether races are available this turn or not. Some races might be totally unavailable because of this, so players have to decide how many of their servants they...