Jamaica: The Crew

Jamaica: The Crew

2017 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.6 - 83 Notes
Jamaica: The Crew

2 - 6 JoueursMeilleur à 4 joueurs

75 MinutesDurée d'une partie

Age: 8+Age minimum

CasualType de public


(Bon - généralement prêt à y jouer.)


Jamaica: The Crew sur Ludovox

Ludovox http://ludovox.fr/jeu-de-societe/jamaica-the-crew/

Français - Extension pour le jeu Jamaica.

Jamaica: The Crew on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgameexpansion/204807/jamaica-crew

Anglais - Jamaica: The Crew is a set of twenty characters, each with a special power, that add flavor to the game without any big changes in the rules. The characters may be hired when you're able to pay for the fee of a harbor, and they are "loaded" like any other resource, following the same rules.