Français - L'ambition et la soif de richesse ont conduit l'humanité à lutter pour toujours plus de progrès. En Amérique, au cours du 19ème siècle, les batailles ont fait rage entre les grandes sociétés de chemins de fer qui ont cherché à connecter les deux côtes du pays un état après l'autre ... au passage, se rendant extrêmement riches dans le processus.
Anglais - Ambition and a thirst for wealth have driven humanity to strive for ever greater progress. In America, during the 19th century, battles were waged between huge railway corporations that sought to connect state to state and coast with coast… making themselves filthy rich in the process.
Anglais - America in the 19th Century. By passing the Pacific Railroad Acts through Congress, the US government opened up the interior of the continent to a number of railroad companies. The race was on to cross the Great Plains and the Continental Divide and create a truly united United States of America.