Téléchargez la règle pour MicroGame: Libération ou toute autre documents (scénarios, goodies, fiche pédagogique, erratum, ...). 2 fichiers au format PDF sont disponibles.
pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/f5/5c/78-liberation-rulebook.pdf
For hundreds of generations, the tyrannical Intercosmic Dynasty has ruled the galaxy with a titanium fist. Their power and reach is spreading, but so is word of their misdeeds. A band of resistance fighters known as the Liberation has begun striking at the Dynasty from a hidden base. Will you help the Liberation gain enough support before their secret base is discovered, or will the you wield the...
887,98 Ko - En Anglaispdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/1f/df/6f-liberation-player-reference.pdf
For hundreds of generations, the tyrannical Intercosmic Dynasty has ruled the galaxy with a titanium fist. Their power and reach is spreading, but so is word of their misdeeds. A band of resistance fighters known as the Liberation has begun striking at the Dynasty from a hidden base. Will you help the Liberation gain enough support before their secret base is discovered, or will the you wield the...
795,87 Ko - En Anglais