De Chiffres en Chiffres

De Chiffres en Chiffres

2019 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 5 - 1 Note
De Chiffres en Chiffres

2 - 4 JoueursNombre de joueurs

5 MinutesDurée d'une partie

Age: 5+Age minimum

EnfantType de public


(Bon - généralement prêt à y jouer.)


Zahlenreihe on Boardgamegeek


Anglais - While playing in the forest, the animal friends have mixed up the many number tiles. Now the players have to get the numbers back in the right sequence. They need some luck when turning tiles over and have to remember which tiles the other players have turned over. The first player in Zahlenreihe to lay out a sequence of eight consecutive number tiles wins.