Réactualisé par : Contrario Cinéma


2011 - (x)(x)(x)(x)() 3.6 - 718 Notes

2 - 20 JoueursMeilleur à 8 joueurs

20 MinutesDurée d'une partie

Age: 14+Age minimum

FamilleType de public


(Bon - généralement prêt à y jouer.)


Switch sur Ludovox

Ludovox http://ludovox.fr/jeu-de-societe/switch-4597/

Français - Un jeu de Matthieu d'Epenoux, Odet L'Homer, Roberto Fraga.

Contrario on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/15271/contrario

Anglais - 1320 terms from diverse domains such as music, cinema, literature, geography, history, and many others have been twisted by using synonyms, antonyms and logically related words to form a new expression called a Contrario. Players will need to use their lateral thinking ability and general knowledge to outsmart their friends. Virtually all the original expressions are familiar. It's obvious.