Téléchargez la règle pour Le Projet ou toute autre documents (scénarios, goodies, fiche pédagogique, erratum, ...). 3 fichiers au format PDF sont disponibles.
pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/6a/4f/9d-the-initiative-guidebook.pdf
The Initiative is a cooperative game for 1 to 4 players. All players are on the same team, and win or lose the game together. In this game, you and your friends take on the role of teenagers in 1994 who have found a mysterious board game called The Key. Not only will you be playing the game as them, but you will be helping them through a pivotal chapter of their lives.
2,52 Mo - En Anglaispdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/ad/8f/be-the-initiative-campaign-log.pdf
To start or continue your game, perform the following steps: 1. Start Chapter: Find the topmost, unchecked row on the chapter tracker. Read the comic on the page specified. 4 Follow any instructions on that page, including playing a mission, gaining secrets, or reading other pages. 2. After Mission: Check the Won or Lost box on the chapter tracker. Then, refer to the chapter tracker to see if you...
307,49 Ko - En Anglaispdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/01/4d/9f-the-initiative-rulesheet-the-key.pdf
You and your friends take on the roles of code breakers for a secret organization known as the ### Initiative. During each game, you are working together to discover the key phrase or code needed ####. If you manage to crack the code, all players win the game together.
2,39 Mo - En Anglais