Ulule https://fr.ulule.com/au-pire-tu-meurs/
Français - Au Pire, Tu Meurs ! a été financé sur la plateforme de Crowdfunding Ulule (Voir la campagne) le 29 oct. 2020, la campagne a duré 45 jours. 195 personnes ont aidé au financement du jeu, dont le montant demandé était de 14 666,00 €. Grâce à ces 195 personnes le jeu a pu être financé à hauteur de 15 597,00 €, soit ~106,35 %.
Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/362525/au-pire-tu-meurs
Anglais - This is a bluffing game as well as a party game. The goal is to eliminate every other member of the Death family by reducing their life expectancy to 0 and become the last one standing. At the beginning, each player draws secretly a Role card with a dedicated life expectancy as well as a starting hand of seven cards. There are two category of cards: attacks and other effects for managing other players'...