Juduku: Le Vice Ultime

Juduku: Le Vice Ultime

2020 - (x)(x)(x)(x)(x) 4.8 - 268 Notes
Juduku: Le Vice Ultime

Juduku site officiel

Officiel https://www.juduku.com/

Français - Révèle, en 8 secondes, les pires pensées de tes ami(e)s de ta famille et d’illustres inconnu(e)s avec des cartes demandant de la spontanéité, peu de morale et aucune retenue !

Juduku: Le Vice Ultime on Boardgamegeek

Boardgamegeek https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/314994/juduku-3-le-vice-ultime

Anglais - The player with the lowest IQ is declared "Juduku Master". They will have to accept or decline the answers made by the rest of the group. If they like the answer or if it is fitting, the player who made it keep the question card and score a point ; otherwise nothing happens. The first player to score 7 points wins.