
1 - 10 JoueursNombre de joueurs

30 MinutesDurée d'une partie

Age: 4+Age minimum

FamilleType de public


(Bon - généralement prêt à y jouer.)


Règle, Fiche pédagogique... un Fichier DisponibleUn Fichier Disponible

Takayama Rulebook

pdf https://cdn.1j1ju.com/medias/eb/a1/d3-takayama-rulebook.pdf

Each player builds his mountain during turn by turn. The smallest player starts. In front of him, he places the base of the mountain (wooden board) and the tokens with the symbols facing down. He randomly turns a first token, takes the piece of wood with the corresponding symbol and places it on the wooden base. The player has the right to place it on the position he chooses, but only on the edge...

396,84 Ko - En Anglais